In Robert Estermann's project for Last Tango's upcoming duo show curated by Linda Jensen and Arianna Gellini, visitors will enter and experience Riding.Vision in the most broad and challenging way to date.
"Last Tango is a Kunstverein in Zurich dedicated to presenting and (co-) producing original exhibitions by a trans-generational roster of artists. Our mission is to support artists in pursuing ambitious and stimulating presentations of their work. We seek to provide a dynamic program of exhibitions and events with unanticipated combinations of practices, new perspectives, critical reflection and dedicated outreach. Our aim is to encourage and support new forms of knowledge production, be it through exhibitions, artist talks, film screenings or tours for students."
March – May 2023
Robert Estermann & Oz Oderbolz
Last Tango
Sihlquai 274, 8005 Zürich