Der Tagesspiegel, Gregor Dotzauer, “Blicke mit Durchblick”, 9. Dezember 2018, Berlin, p. 32

Picture above: Part of the newspaper article, with two examples of our inserts (the newspaper article is referring to) in Diaphanes Magazine (issue 5) in the background. "Saya setuju !" in the speech bubble is Indonesian for "I agree !". It is meant as a sarcastic comment about the newspapers attempt to dismiss Riding.Vision's experimental and multilayered imagery as "gay kitsch".

Picture above: Part of the newspaper article, with two examples of our inserts (the newspaper article is referring to) in Diaphanes Magazine (issue 5) in the background. "Saya setuju !" in the speech bubble is Indonesian for "I agree !". It is meant as a sarcastic comment about the newspapers attempt to dismiss Riding.Vision's experimental and multilayered imagery as "gay kitsch".